
Academic office at Morristown, 1993.

About to receive an honorary doctorate in Public Service, 1999.

Never too old to straighten your teeth. Braces, 1996.

Academic office at New York Hospital-Cornell Medical Center, 1991.

Honorary doctoral degree accepted posthumously on behalf of my mother, Itasker Edmonds Thornton, 2005.

Honorary doctorate presented at commencement ceremonies by President of Tuskegee University, Dr. Benjamin F. Payton, 2003.

Westchester Medical Center Residents, 2009 - From left to right (Chief residents) Dr. Michelle Caban, (Dr. Thornton), Dr. John Fejes and Dr. Tatiana DiCoby.

Director of The Perinatal Diagnostic Testing Center

One of the 5,542 babies I have personally delivered in my professional career.