Daddy, Donald Thornton (1925-1983) - My father, a man with little formal education but much wisdom, who dearly loved his family. "When I tell you the berries are ripe, get your baskets and start pickin'."
The Thornton Sisters Band, 1965 - From left to right: First row-Rita (piano/keyboards), Linda (drummer and lead vocalist); Second row-Jeanette (electric guitar), Donna-(1944-1993) on tenor saxophone, our mother (Itasker)-(1915-1977) on electric bass, Yvonne (alto saxophone).
My father, Donald Thornton, with his only grandson, Woody; 1982.
Baby Kimberly, 1980 - Kimberly and her Mom (Dr. Thornton), three months of age at her Christening, September, 1980.
Halloween, 1987 - Woody, age 9 (left) as surgeon; Kimberly, age 7 (right) as harem girl.
Kimberly, 8 years old, dressed for Halloween contest as a cluster of grapes.
National High School Chess Championships in Dallas, Texas; 1993. Kimberly (age 12) won First Place Individual in the Under 1600 section and Woody won Second Place Individual overall.
Senior pictures at Teaneck High School. Woody, 1996 and Kimberly, 1998.
All America Chess Team - From among 28,000 eligible young chessplayers, Woody was selected to be one of the forty-one new members of the All-America Chess Team in 1994.